Toshikazu Maruno初の"YouTube Live"を7月4日(土)、午後5時より生配信します。"Living Room Sessions"と称し、オリジナルソングを中心に世界へ向けて演奏を届けます。7月4日、午後5時に"YouTube Live"でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
Toshikazu Maruno's first "YouTube live stream" will be held at 5pm(JST) on July 4th. Called "Living Room Sessions," the live performance will focus on the original songs and will be delivered to viewers around the world. We look forward to seeing you at "YouTube Live".
Toshikazu Maruno -YouTube Live "Living Room Sessions" 2020.7.4 (Sat) 5 PM JST
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